詳しくはカタログをご確認ください。 Click Front/Back button to review the back side.
Please be sure to check the back side when selecting colors and marks.
Additional charge for the print pattern.(For the models with selectable print patterns)
Please check our catalog for details.
詳しくはカタログをご確認ください。 Click Front/Back button to review the back side.
Please be sure to check the back side when selecting colors and marks.
Additional charge for the print pattern.(For the models with selectable print patterns)
Please check our catalog for details.
[表生地 ハイブリッドスキン]スムーススキンにストレッチジャージを貼り合わせた特殊素材。ジャージを貼り合わせたことで、従来できなかっ
[裏生地 エアナップ]
軽量で暖かい中空糸構造の生地。タオルのような肌触りと暖かさに加え、動きやすさが特徴。暖かな起毛素材はドライスーツに最適です。 [CHECK IT OUT]
新素材HBD/NPはUSRD/NPより約12%の軽量化を達成。生地は柔らかくしなやかで、ウェットスーツのような着心地と動きやすさを実現しました。HBD / NP - HYBRID SKIN / AIR NAP
Hybrid skin ...
A special material with a stretch jersey attached to smooth skin with coating.
Pasting jersey on the inside made it possible to sew skin materials that could not be done before.
The smooth coating on the surface improve strength and reduce wind chill on land.
Air nap ...
Lightweight and warm hollow fiber brushed material.
The features are easy-to-move, warmth and towel like texture.
[表生地 ハイブリッドスキン]スムーススキンにストレッチジャージを貼り合わせた特殊素材。ジャージを貼り合わせたことで、従来できなかっ
[裏生地 エアナップ]
軽量で暖かい中空糸構造の生地。タオルのような肌触りと暖かさに加え、動きやすさが特徴。暖かな起毛素材はドライスーツに最適です。 [CHECK IT OUT]
新素材HBD/NPはUSRD/NPより約12%の軽量化を達成。生地は柔らかくしなやかで、ウェットスーツのような着心地と動きやすさを実現しました。HBD / NP - HYBRID SKIN / AIR NAP
Hybrid skin ...
A special material with a stretch jersey attached to smooth skin with coating.
Pasting jersey on the inside made it possible to sew skin materials that could not be done before.
The smooth coating on the surface improve strength and reduce wind chill on land.
Air nap ...
Lightweight and warm hollow fiber brushed material.
The features are easy-to-move, warmth and towel like texture.
経済性 Cost | |
保温性 Heat retention | |
耐久性 Durability | |
伸縮性 Elasticity | |
軽量 Lightness |
カラーパレットColor pallet
おすすめ配色Recommended color
ランダム選択Random choice
詳しくはカタログをご確認ください。 Click Front/Back button to review the back side.
Please be sure to check the back side when selecting colors and marks.
Additional charge for the print pattern.(For the models with selectable print patterns)
Please check our catalog for details.
詳しくはカタログをご確認ください。 Click Front/Back button to review the back side.
Please be sure to check the back side when selecting colors and marks.
Additional charge for the print pattern.(For the models with selectable print patterns)
Please check our catalog for details.